Your Initiative

A helping hand, a speaking voice, and a genuine will can go a long way in our fight to save our home.

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish youth environmental activist who has recently become known for her attempts in raising the urgency of acting to combat climate change. By protesting in the streets and in front of the Swedish parliament, delivering speeches, and more, Greta has been able to forward her advocacy. If the youth can do it, why can't you?

What can you do?


We have less than a year to save Mother Earth before climate change's effects are irreversible. You should take part in simulating discourse to stop activities that damage nature. Rally to shut down companies that continue to contribute to pollution, land clearings, and resource exploitation. Teach the people around you how to lead a green lifestyle.


Plant a tree for the future. Restoration of biomes and ecosystems make societies thrive. If we support organizations and movements that genuinely aim to restore the environment's well-being, then nature can rebound and keep being a support system for life. Regeneration is a key aspect of nature, and you can take part in helping it restore what it has lost.


Ecosia is a free online search engine that allows its users to contribute to mass tree planting. Ad revenue earned through it is used as funding for the company behind Ecosia to plant trees where they're needed the most, benefiting the people, local economies, and the environment. Utilizing things such as Ecosia is a small change in your lifestyle that may greatly help our battle with climate change. If we all unite our efforts, then we might just not get to say "Good bye!" to our homes and biomes. Protect. Restore. Fund. Start today!