A Crowd in Rush


"I'm just one person!" – An article on individual actions

December 9, 2019

An Original Essay by Sidney Lance Fernando

With so many corporations out there trying to save our planet's biomes (and many more doing their best at destroying them), a young citizen may feel insignificant. They may feel as if their actions are unimportant to what large companies are doing right now. Whether or not that belief comes from the fact that they may think they're too young, regardless, the truth is that individual actions do matter. Here I'd like to suggest some ways young citizens can help.

To begin with, we must know about the impact of our own actions right now. For example, eating a diet high in red meat actually takes up lots of energy, and contributes to climate change. Other small actions that are bad for the environment include traveling by plane often, wasting food, and frequently using online shopping. Once you identify these actions that you may be doing, start small and change your habits. For example, if you eat three meals a day with meat, opt for just two meals a day, or have a day of the week where you don't eat meat at all. If you always order things online, instead try buying in local shops and markets. These actions are small, but small progress is progress nonetheless; and if small progress is done by a large number of citizens, then that results in big changes--a revolution.